Admissions Process

Open Enrollment is here!

If you are interested in seeing if Immanuel Lutheran School is right for your child, we would welcome the opportunity to have you come by for a tour and meet the teacher(s) for their grade level.  Please contact our school office at (970) 667-7606 to set up a convenient time for a tour, to observe a class, or to have your child shadow a student for the day.

Steps to Admission

  1. Call or stop by Immanuel for grade specific information.
  2. Parents of Kindergarten – 8th grade students need to schedule an apppointment with the principal.  This important meeting helps us determine what you are looking for in your child’s education and gives us an opportunity to share what Immanuel offers.
  3. Return your completed Enrollment  Application and Tuition Policy Agreement forms together with the registration fee to the school office.
  4. Upon acceptance, the physical, immunization, emergency card forms and supply list will be sent to you.

Enrollment applications may be dropped off at the school office.  Classes fill on a first come, first served basis.  Once a class is full, a waiting list will be started.  Register early!

Entrance Age

Children enrolling in Kindergarten must be five years of age by August 15 of the year they enroll.  Children entering first grade must either be six years of age by the first day of school or have successfully completed Kindergarten.  A readiness test is given to all incoming kindergartners to enable correct class placement.

Immunization Requirements

Colorado State Law requires that each child be current on immunizations as specified on the Colorado Department of Health Certificate of Immunization, prior to the initial admittance or transfer into a school:

Children entering Childcare, Preschool or Kindergarten must have proof of Hepatitis B Vaccination (three-dose series over 4-6 months).  Please check with  your health provider for required immunizations, doses or for written evidence of laboratory test showing immunity.

The Colorado Department of Health-Certificate of Immunization must be presented to ILS upon school enrollment.  Exemptions from the immunization requirements will be accepted only if the reverse of the Colorado Department of Health-Certificate of Immunization has been properly executed.


Shortly before school begins each fall, an evening is scheduled for your family to turn in forms and tuition payments, locate classrooms, meet teachers, set up home visits, and take care of any other paperwork before school starts.  The date for the orientation night is mailed to parents/guardians via postcard.

Physical Examination Requirements

All new students to Immanuel along with current students entering Kindergarten and 5th Grade must submit proof of physical examination within the past year, signed by a licensed physician.  In addition, any child (grades 5-8) participating in sports must provide a sports physical each year.  Preschool students and daycare participants are also required to have a current physical on file each year.

Acceptance of Enrollment

At Immanuel Lutheran school we want to be sure that new students are prepared to be successful in our environment.  We will review information for each applicant on an individual basis.  While Immanuel Lutheran School does not have a formal special needs program, we are able to accept some students who have learning challenges on a one by one basis.  Acceptance depends on the student's specific needs and on the commitment of the parent(s) to partner with the school for the good of the student.


"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.  For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened."     Matthew 7:7-8