Endowment Fund

Have you ever heard of the Smithsonian Institute? Did you know that this world renowned organization was started through a gift from a British scientist to the United States government in 1835? And the government did something very unusual with this money... THEY DIDN'T SPEND IT! Instead, the money was used to create an endowment fund, and earnings from this fund have continued to provide funding for the Smithsonian Institute to this day.

The ILS Endowment Fund

The Immanuel Lutheran School Endowment Fund works in exactly the same way. Contributions to this fund are never spent. Instead, they are invested to help the fund grow.

The fund was started in 1991 to provide income for the operation of Immanuel Lutheran School. As the principal grows, this fund is able to generate yearly revenue that is used to offset the cost of tuition, thereby keeping tuition affordable to our students. As the balance of the endowment fund grows, the fund is able to provide more revenue to assist with school tuition, scholarships, and professional development for our faculty members. By donating to the the endowment fund, you are providing a gift to the school that will keep on giving to the school in perpetuity. The ILS Endowment Fund provides ongoing permanent support that can be relied on year after year. It is this permanent income stream that helps secure the future of the school and expand its ministries.

The ILS Endowment Fund provides annual revenue designated for:

  • Scholarships based on need
  • Advanced education for school faculty members
  • Conference and workshops for faculty members
  • Scholarships for students training to be church workers
  • Scholarships for students attending synodical schools

How You Can Help

Since donations are never spent, every little bit helps this fund grow. Would you consider donating $10 or $20 to give thanks for your birthday or anniversary each year? You can also donate stock or include the ILS Endowment Fund as a beneficiary of your estate in order to provide lasting assistance for the ministry of the school. The PTF tithes to this fund from their fund-raising efforts each year, resulting in an annual contribution of several thousand dollars. Your donations can help the fund grow even faster!

If you believe in the importance of Christian education, or if ILS has made an impact on your life or the life of someone close to you, please consider a donation to the ILS Endowment Fund. It is a gift that will keep on giving forever!

Gift Planning

You may be able to create more opportunities and give more back to Immanuel than you think possible. The key? Gift planning. Planned gifts are arranged now to benefit Immanuel later. By planning your gift to ILS, you can reduce taxes on your income and estate, resulting in a larger gift. You can make the ILS Endowment Fund a beneficiary of a life insurance policy, thereby multiplying the size of the gift you intend to give.

Often, gift planning that is part of a comprehensive financial plan can increase the amount received by your beneficiaries. Many planned gifts bring additional advantages, such as a steady, secure income for you. In addition to the joy and satisfaction of giving a gift, a planned gift is a powerful witness to your beneficiaries of God's gifts to you. Some of the ways you can make a planned gift to ILS are:

  • A bequest in your will or revocable trust
  • A full or percentage TOD (Transfer on Death) designation on a CD
  • A retirement plan or life insurance policy with ILS as the full or percentage beneficiary
  • A charitable gift annuity or charitable remainder trust
  • A charitable lead trust
  • A gift of real estate
  • Donation of stocks or bonds

There are many ways to leave a lasting testament to God's gifts, fulfill your charitable intentions, and provide immediate and future benefits to you and your family. A well-structured charitable plan can last for generations, and may allow you to be even more generous than you thought possible.

Making Donations

Monetary contributions to the ILS Endowment Fund can be designated as such and dropped off at the school office. Please contact the school office for assistance with gift or estate planning.